(I’m Greedy For)قصيدة للشاعر الدكتور صلاح الدين راسل بنجلادش.

كتب حنان محمد
_أنا الطموح_
أطمح لكرنفال المعنى في حديقة الزهور السماوية،اتنقلُ بها،أطمح للحبّ
أبحثُ فيه عن المعنى الذي يكملني باختلاف الآخر
أملأ عيون العاشقين من كؤوس
اسمحوا لي أن ألملم ذاتي المبعثرة من عناصر الكون
أصيرُ غنياً بها وأعمى عن أحزانها
كطفلٍ يحبو على السجادة الخضراء
أتحسس التراب باصابعي، أكتشفُ ماهيتي
ارتدي تاج المعنى من موج البحر
أغرقُ في سكون الليل مع مظلة السماء
أنسج كأس أبياتي أشرّح الطموح
أستحمّ بضوء القمر
هناك في أقصى الأماني
أتماهي مع الوجود
أعانق العطر
أرتل أنشودة الطيور في أعالي الوجود
أغرق من طفولة النهر والوادي فأكتشفُ سرّ رجولتي المتدفقة على تعرجات الهضاب
أستعير غموض الغابة ،ألبس قبعات الثلج وأراقص أقدامه الحافية
فأثملُ وأتوحد مع إيقاع الفصول
أطمح بالوصول إلى رتبة الشاعر الأعلى
أنعم بالعدل والرضى والسلام على موانىء الأبدية.
I’m Greedy For
Everyone is greedy for something special
and I’m also greedy for specific carnival,
Bearing the essence of celestial traditional
I wander to my world beautiful in exceptional.
I’m the one greedy for love from beloved one
who might be different & comparable to none,
Let me adore my eyes at lovers done
who will fill my thirsty soul with fun
The beauty of natural objects occupied my mind
where the hope & inspirational elements I find,
Let me be furnished at her gestures of kind
that enriches my heart making me blind.
I’m the child of greenery carpet around
where with the soil passionately so sound,
Being greedy I return to the landscape ground
where I learned everything wearing crowned.
Wondering of the sea appeared to me graceful
that teaches me every time being meaningful,
Being greedy staring at the sea I’m thoughtful
to whom I transit my agony to be delightful.
The silence of night one of my favorite canopy
that attracts me to weave my verses trophy,
Greediness with her inspires me to the creativity
that’s the most spiritual fascinating anatomy.
One of the greedy object is the moonlit night
where I take bath in the mystic silvery light,
It’s the circumstances of versatile imaginary height
where let me pass my certiain period to be bright.
The beauty of flowers garden is so pleasant
where I stare at to adore my sensitive agent,
Each of my nerves & cells want to get present
to hug their fragrance & perfumes object.
Singing birds are very fond of my crazy soul
where I’m habituated to be drunken & fool,
Let me blind at their melodious singing role,
that radiates my mind and heart pole.
The hills & mountains are the majestic essence
that makes me to thr thoughtful appearance,
I learn from them the intoxicated perseverance
and from the ground of greediness I ensure my presence.
The river and the riverine valley inspire my livelihood
from which I used to learn from my childhood,
Lots of similarities between the river & manhood
that’s of flowing through ups & down tribute.
Crossing over the deep forest is so praiseworthy
that makes me sound mind and healthy,
As much I wander there as much I get wealthy
to be self motivated of divined empathy.
The winter dew with white snow gathers me charming
where with bare footed I find the thrilling,
Let me dance there to ensure romantic greeting
that’s the matter of most exciting feeling.
The rainy drops meditate my eyes in fascination
where I love to get shower in satisfaction,
It does my mind tranquil with body adoration
that’s the wetness and madness intoxication.
Humanity glorifies my character with shining ray
where I live and love to enlighten my day,
Let me be bloomed to the kindness Bay
to ensure the empathy & sympathy that I say.
Friendliness and brotherly attitude I bear
where love peace and equality manner,
Without discrimination I adore the harbour
and with the all wellness let me live forever.