البيان الموحد في مقار الاتحادات والنقابات في مصر والدول العربية باللغة الإنجليزية
ألقاه الروائي والمترجم الكبير الاستاذ فخري أبو شليب.

كتب حنان محمد
إعلان عن رفضهم المطلق للعدوان العنصري الذي يقوم به المحتل الإسرائيلي تجاه الشعب الفلسطيني في غزة المحاصرة وغيرها من الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، البيان باللغة العربية والإنجليزية.
The unified declaration that will be read at the headquarters of federations and unions
In Egypt and the Arab countries – in at least two languages – at the beginning of the sit-in
Those gathered here today declare its absolute rejection of the racist aggression carried out by the Israeli occupier against the Palestinian people in besieged Gaza and other occupied Palestinian territories.
The participants, represented by tens of thousands of Arab intellectuals and hundreds of millions of Arab people, affirm their categorical rejection of the massacres and scorched land policy carried out by the occupation authorities, which has led to the martyrdom of more than ten thousand civilians, including seven thousand children and women so far, and which also affected journalists and writers, so that forty-nine journalists and four writers were martyred, in addition to the destruction of hospitals, and the targeting of medical staff, ambulances, schools, mosques, churches, bakeries and shelters in flagrant violation of the most basic human principles and values and international conventions, in particular, the Geneva and the Hague Conventions.
The participants affirm that what happened on the seventh of October was an inevitable result of the practices of the (Israeli) occupation over many decades, and confirm their absolute support for the preliminary positions and great efforts made to prevent the displacement of Palestinians from their land to Sinai or anywhere outside their homeland.
While condemning the repeated Israeli attacks on Syria and Lebanon, the participants call upon the United Nations, international human rights organizations, and Arab and Islamic organizations to work, exert efforts and coordinate positions to achieve the following:
– Immediate cessation of aggression against Gaza.
– Opening safe corridors and allowing the entry of medical aid, food, and fuel.
– Abiding by international conventions and treaties and stopping war crimes, genocide, and collective punishment immediately.
– Holding those responsible for the Zionist massacres accountable before the International Criminal Court.
– Addressing all attempts at forced displacement and stopping them once and for all.
– Ensuring the rights of the Palestinian people and assisting them in the establishment of their independent and sovereign Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital.
– Placing Israeli nuclear weapons facilities under international control, after the Israeli Minister of Heritage threatened to use them against an unarmed people.
– Withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories and cessation of infringement on Arab rights and wealth.
Long live Palestine… Glory to the martyrs… Glory to the free people of the world